Kway Chap is the last hawker dish for this series. Behind the highly sought-after taste, lies the time and meticulous effort of preparing and cooking. Can the two students endure the hardship to get through the apprenticeship? Stay tuned. 当年无心插柳,意外从父亲手中接下粿汁生意的Jason,如今也成为了师傅,还遇到了两位积极好学的徒弟。每一样软嫩入味的猪杂配料,背后都有着耗时又费力的繁琐程序。面对清理内脏的辛苦过程,两位徒弟由始至终毫无怨言,埋头苦学!他们是否能不负所望,传承师傅的真功夫?
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