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Hazrat Haroon alaihissalam ka waqia | Hazrat Musa aur Hazrat Haroon ki wafat ka qissa | Amber Voice

Amber Voice 21,599 6 days ago
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Prophet Haroon, also known as Aaron, was a revered figure in Islam, mentioned in the Quran 20 times. He was the elder brother of Prophet Musa, or Moses, and was chosen by Allah to be a prophet to the Bani Israel, or children of Israel. Born in Egypt, Haroon was a skilled orator and played a crucial role in supporting his brother Musa during his prophetic mission. When Musa was tasked with confronting Pharaoh, he sought Allah's assistance and asked for Haroon's help, citing his eloquence and speech skills. Haroon accompanied Musa on his mission and helped him deal with the Israelites, who were initially hesitant to follow Musa. However, during Musa's absence, Haroon struggled to maintain the faith of the Israelites, and they began to worship a golden calf. Haroon tried to stop them but was overpowered. _________________________________________ ♥ Connect with us on Social Media ♥ ➤Instagram: ➤Facebook: ➤Twitter: _________________________________________ #ambervoice #hazratharoonkawaqia #hazratharoonalaihissalam #hazratharun #prophetharoon #prophetaaron #islamicstories #qasasulanbiya #storiesofprophets #islamicwaqia #quranicstories
