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优米网官方频道 20,705 12 years ago
Video Not Working? Fix It Now【优米网umiwi】官方频道 更多精彩视频 女人是天底下最为复杂的生物,幸福是世界上无法破解的密码。当幸福遇上女人,是变得水一样的简单,还是火一般的复杂?有人说,我的要求并不多,一个知我懂我疼我的男人即可。但是当怀揣真爱,柴米油盐中,你是否仍会抱憾终日?也有人想宁在宝马里哭,但是当坐拥宝马,但独守空房,你又是否会空叹息,虚度日?一把物质的金钥匙是否能够打开幸福的门?一个宽厚的臂膀是否能够撬动幸福的窗?两人相惜的爱是否能够构筑爱情的巢?苏芩与您分享,女人的爱情,到底与什么有关。苏芩,著名作家,历任媒体主编、国内多家电(视)台、平面媒体特邀顾问。她长期以大视角关注女性发展,关爱女性成长,为女人立言,其"苏芩女学馆"是目前国内最受欢迎、流量最大的情感交流空间,吸引超过六亿人次访问,倍受年轻读者追捧。其文经典精悍,睿智深远,洞穿世情人心却不乏温暖励志,都市女性几乎无人不知。 苏芩作品有"精到深入骨髓,准到一针见血,一字见心,说到人心深处"的魅力。对人性、情感等方面的体悟把握惊人,妙语佳句信手拈来,语句精警,深蕴哲理,功力深厚令人叹服,是一语中的的情商高手,也是中央电视台、北京电视台、湖南卫视、湖北卫视等多家电视节目倍受欢迎的常驻知性美女嘉宾。 作为国内情感领域极具读者号召力的畅销书作家,她的书几乎拥有畅销保证,近一年来,每一本单本作品销量都屡创新高,销量过百万册,长期位列各大排行榜,给予了现代都市女人信心和力量,引发了不同年龄层次读者狂热追捧和思索。【文化丝绸之路】The woman is the most complex biological earth for the world, happiness is impossible to crack the password. When happiness met a woman, be like water, or fire general complex? Some people say, not my request, one knows me to know I hurt my man. But when we love, fuel, will you regret it for the rest of the day? Some people think rather cry in a BMW, but when sitting on BMW, but alone, you will sigh, wasted day? Whether a substance gold key to open the door of happiness? If a generous arm can move the happiness of the window? Two people mutual love can build love nest? Su Qin to share with you, the love of woman, how and what the relevant. Su Qin, a famous writer, editor, many domestic appliances as the media ( visual ) special adviser, planar media platform. Her long to focus on women's development, care of female growth, for women, the " Su Qin female school " is currently the most popular, the largest flow of emotional communication space, attracted more than six hundred million visits, highly sought after young readers. The classical lean, wise people have profound, through the world warm inspirational, urban women, almost no one I do not know.Su Qin works are " precise search, to pierce to the heart of the matter, one heart, when it comes to our heart " charm. On the understanding of human nature, emotional grasp the amazing sayings have one's words at hand, statement, refined, deep philosophy, deep skill amazing, is make a pointed comment EQ is master, CCTV, Beijing TV, Hunan TV, Hubei TV and other television programs popular resident intellectual beauty guests.As the field of emotion very readers appeal of the best-selling author, her books have sold almost guarantee, in recent years, every single book sales have reached record high, sold over a million copies, long-term in the charts, given to the modern urban women of faith and strength, caused the different age levels of readers the craze and thinking.
