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He Tried FORCING Me To LEAVE But I Stayed & FINISHED The Job!

Clean The City 427,459 9 months ago
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Ungrateful Florida Homeowners Tried Forcing Me To Leave Their Property But I Stayed And Mowed Their Lawn Without Their Permission! After helping their lovely neighbors we got in touch with these homeowners and they agreed to allow me to cut their lawn for FREE the following week. I could barely afford to do it but I made it happen because I told them I would return to do it since the property was overgrown and in need of a cut. The yard has been overgrown for some time and causes a hazard for the neighbors who are actively in their yard gardening and working around their home. Snakes and rodents hide within the TALL grass and I'm sure the neighbors have to deal with it which can be uncomfortable. While starting on the lawn a man approached the property and watched me for several minutes before asking me why I was there. He was on the phone with someone and that someone ended up being the homeowner. He proceeded to tell me that he was unaware of my visit for free services and told me I needed to leave his property. Little did he know the attorney of the property was nearby listening and watching everything go down. I was pretty frustrated because I was told that the homeowner gave the ok for me to work on this lawn for free so I went out of my way to buy bags from Home Depot and gas for my equipment when I really couldn't afford to. I could've visited a thankful homeowner who was truly in need of help yet I was here and being forced to leave the property after arriving and setting up for work. The attorney overheard our conversation and immediately approached me and apologized for the negative energy that the homeowner gave me for trying to be nice and do a good deed. And he went on to do something that I never would've thought he would do for me! *MERCH IS NOW AVAILABLE **The Nonprofit website is now up!! ** I Also Just Bought A PO Box For the Organization. Address is below. Clean the City Inc. P.O. Box 12312 Fort Pierce,FL 34979 *IF YOU ALL HAVE FACEBOOK PLEASE LIKE THE BLADEZ UNCUT MEDIA FAN PAGE,I WILL BE DOING LIVE STREAMS AND EXCLUSIVE CONTENT WITH GIVEAWAYS ON MY NEW FACEBOOK PAGE SOON! 😊 MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW AL AND AP ON INSTAGRAM @ALBLADEZ & @CLEANTHECITYINC FOR EXCLUSIVE CONTENT! If you enjoy watching AP play basketball you can also find his basketball content on his TIKTOK @Cleanthecityinc *CLEAN THE CITY INC. MERCH IS COMING SOON. PATCHES,MAGNETS,CALENDARS,STICKERS,T SHIRTS,HOODIES,HATS AND MORE FOR ALL AGES!😊 IF YOURE INTERESTED IN MERCH PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] If you're interested in buying Al Bladez Merch,Al has a personal merch line connected to his YouTube account. The non profit is now ACTIVE! And I have some special “things” for those who plan on donating to the non profit. Even though everything given to my non profit will be for a great cause I cannot leave any of you empty handed. So the option to donate will be available and also an option for becoming a MEMBER OF MY CREW! All will receive a free gift for donating any amount, but if you decide to become a member for a small monthly fee, I will be providing you with some goodies! I can’t say much but more will be revealed in time. If you are interested in donating to the Clean The City Non Profit Organization please email [email protected] Please include in the email description or subject if you would like to be a donor or a member of the crew so that I may direct the specific details and information for your needs. I will be adding you all to my personal email list to keep you updated on the non profit organization and future events! HERE'S SOME AFFILIATE LINKS THAT HELP THE CHANNEL AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU! AL'S KUJO SHOES/BOOTS(USE PROMO CODE ALBLADEZ10):
