Head Gasket Replacement on a 200,000 Mile Subaru | Part 1
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Gasket Kit:
Milwaukee 3/8 Ratchet:
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Head bolt torque sequence:
Tighten Head bolts in this order:
3 1 6
5 2 4
Following the tightening order, torque Head Bolts as following:
1. Torque All to 22 Ft Lbs
2. Torque all to 51 Ft Lbs
3. Loosen all 180 degrees
4. Loosen all 180 degrees
5. Torque Center Two bolts to 25 Ft Lbs
6. Torque Outer 4 bolts to 11 Ft Lbs
7. Tighten all bolts 90 degrees
8. Tighten all bolts 90 degrees again