This video is about Fennel which is also called sonf in urdu.
It belongs to the same family as that of carrot.its got a plant but its dried seeds are more in use.
It's 80 gram has 10 kcals,0.7 gram protein,0.2 gram fats,2.6 gram fiber and 1.4 grams Carbohydrates.
It's 80 grams also have 327 mg Potassium,34 mcg folate and finally 112 mcg beta Carotene.
Fennel is thought to be good for heart health as it contains fiber and potassium.fiber lowers cholesterol and potassium helps in better management of high blood pressure and both these actions are good for heart health.
Fennel contains vitamin C which is a very good antioxidant but it also contains plant flavonoids known as quercetin and both of these help as Anti-Inflammatory agents.
Fennel contains beta Carotene which gets converted into vitamin A and this along with vitamin C are very good for skin as well as Mucous membranes of body.
Fennel contains folate which is useful for production of red blood cells so use of Fennel is good to prevent anaemia.
Because Fennel contains fiber as well as low calories so it's a good choice to lose weight.
The glycemic index of Fennel us 55 so it's thought good for diabetes Mellitus as well.
.health benefits of Fennel
. Fennel kay Faiday
.sonf kay Faiday
#fennel #sonf #drafzal
About Me
My Name Is Dr Afzal.I Graduated From Allama Iqbal Medical College Lahore.
Based On Almost 20 Years Of My Experience In Field Of Medicine I Strongly Believe That If You Want A Healthy SocietyThen First & Foremost You Need To Educate & Inform People Living Around You About Their Basic Health Problems In The Easiest Possible Way.And In This Regard I Honestly Believe There Can Not Be A Plateform As Goid As Youtube Which Helps To Bring This Dream To Reality So Here I Present Myself With The Most Updated Medical Knowledge in Simplest Possible Way.But As I Always Say Its Just An Informative Video And It Can IN WAY be a substitute Of Your Primary Physician or Your Primary Doctor.
So I Always always Request You To Please Consult Your Primary Health Care Provider In Case You Have any health Issue.
Dr Muhammad Afzal