"Ever want to play the classic game of Truth or Dare with some of the highly esteemed Officials of Heavens' Upper Court or the intensely beloved Ghost Calamities?? Well, here is your chance!! Join your two co-hosts in a sure to be fun filled hour with all whom you admire from the wonderful 'Heaven Officials Blessing' series!!"
- TAKE-2 IS HEREEE!! from the very bottom of our little hearts, thank you all so very much for the outstanding support on our first mxtx panel. Just so all are aware, we are determined to bring more in-character danmei content to the channel and straight to a device near you!! *but* this will be the last live panel featuring mxtx characters for the next year or so. The Mirror Cast is so grateful for all of this attention, and we want to collectively thank you in every way we can while still focusing on expanding our horizons!! So more in character TGCF videos will eventually come your way, it just won't be a new addition to this series for a lil while :) PLEASE ENJOY OUR SECOND INSTALLMENT OF HEAVENLY OFFICIALS & FRIENDS!! XOXO!!
;D instagrams-
Mu Qing: @ beeofabyssalred
Feng Xin: @ offendedbiss
Qi Rong: @ fuzz.fool
Yin Yu: @ aropeterparker
Xie Lian: @ cos.cyb3r
Hua Cheng: @ lunar.myst
He Xuan: @ xstargirl_cosplays
Shi Qingxuan: @ magicmirror.cos
;D tiktoks-
Mu Qing: @ beeofabyssalred
Feng Xin: @ offendedbiss
Qi Rong: @ fuzz.fool
Yin Yu: @ aropeterparker
Xie Lian: @ cos.cyb3r
Hua Cheng: @ lunar.myst
He Xuan: @ xstargirl_cosplays
Shi Qingxuan: @ magicmirror.cos