Manned Locomotive Pushes Heavy Train Up The Big Hill, Locomotives Working Hard, Sanding The Rails & Roaring Up The Steep Grade! Watch The Manned Locomotive Return Back Down The Hill For Another Train! Foreign Power & Local Norfolk Southern Switching Freight Train With Boxcars. These Trains Are In Kentucky On The Norfolk Southern Main Line.
These trains are climbing up out of the Ohio River Valley. The first train is a loaded grain train with a manned helper locomotive shoving on the rear. Listen to the locomotives sanding the rails up the 1.18% grade. The springs are compressed on the cars indicating a heavy load.
I followed the train up the hill from Crescent Springs, Kentucky to Erlanger, Kentucky. Check out the view of the train going behind the train station and over the bridge. Then the train stops and the locomotive cuts off the rear and returns back down the hill to be ready for another train. This is how it's done son!
Then when I was going down the hill I heard the locomotive crew talking to a southbound train coming up the hill. I was near the top and pulled over for a train led by 2 Union Pacific locomotives. Man, was it ever windy. Sorry bout that.
I went back down the hill and got a local switching freight train going down with a nice cut of cars including a bunch of boxcars. We also take a close look at the rail next to the Beechwood Road railroad crossing. We see rail from Japan and a broken knuckle and some flange greasers that are near a sharp curve.
Next we see a heavy train coming up the hill and sanding the rails. Listen to those locomotives working hard! I got a horn salute also before it got to the crossing. How about that DPU? What that working hard or what?! That was a good train son. I was surprised how fast it was going but it had plenty of power.
Finally, we see the slide show that came from the video and we see the Live Action Pets in their natural habitat. The artwork at the end was made by Lillia.
Filmed Spring 2024 in 1080p with 60fps. Thanks for watching!
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