Helicopter control relies on motion, or degrees of freedom, of the rotor blades. This video explains why the flapping degree of freedom is essential for controlling a helicopter.
Other topics covered are flapping hinge offset, advancing and retreating blades, the region of reversed flow, forward flight dissymmetry of lift, retreating blade stall and rotor blowback.
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00:00 Intro
00:48 Rotor Degrees of Freedom
01:36 Flapping in a Hover
02:15 Rotor Coning
03:13 Preconing
03:42 Balance of Forces
04:39 Rotor Tip Path Plane
05:00 Flapping Hinge Offset
05:46 Summary of Control Concept
06:05 Forward Flight Considerations
06:27 Advancing and Retreating Blades
07:43 Region of Reversed Flow
08:28 Forward Flight Dissymmetry of Lift
11:27 Retreating Blade Stall
13:16 Rotor Blowback