Student pilot's very first helicopter training flight in an R22 helicopter, in Bend, Oregon, USA. Student is working on his Private and we start at the very beginning...Follow along from day 1 to Private Pilot. See notes, tips, related videos & links below.
▬▬▬| Video Content |▬▬▬
00:00 START
00:15 After-engine started checklist
02:25 Automated AWOS Weather
04:15 Reaching to pull anything on lower console - two stages - identify first!
06:25 Make sure frictions are off
06:35 Don't allow the governor to fully race the RPM up!
07:00 Fingernails up so you can only roll down, roll slowly & watch the RPMs
08:15 Turn on Nav and Landing Lights just prior to pick up to notify visually we are about to 'fly'
08:35 Always know where the wind is coming from on pick up and how it will affect you
08:45 Initial radio call - doesn't student sound like a Pro!?
09:02 Make sure you add "Bend" to start AND end of radio call
09:12 Make sure your student/passenger knows what carb heat is before they are asked to pull it
09:23 Pick up - two stage pickup
10:10 Clear your tail before any pedal turn
11:10 Radio volumes - priority on CTAF
12:30 Why do we keep the left door on?
12:48 Wake Turbulence
15:10 On take off - clear above!
15:15 Add more up collective as MAP drops due to increased rotor efficiency
16:05 Downwind Checks
18:50 Approach
19:15 Below 30 knots call out
20:50 Student takes controls
25:05 Great first pattern - low approach only
25:35 Trim Strings
25:45 Delay on inputs
26:20 Pull up on collective on turns to maintain altitude/climb
26:50 Add Bend to start and end of call
27:20 Consider landing options and wind direction
29:50 Go around
30:30 Altitude (500') & Airspeed (60 kts) = safer
33:30 On Base vs Turning Base
34:40 Go Arounds
41:10 Clearing taxiways before exiting a runway
42:45 Student pedals only
43:10 Why we keep heading aligned with movement (engine failure)
45:45 Left foot only pedal turns
46:00 Always clear tail before pedal turns
49:40 Always check we are safe to fly before picking up
51:18 Only loose grip on throttle - two fingers & thumb
51:20 Student on collective only
53:00 Student has collective & pedals
56:20 Student Pickup
58:00 Demos Air Taxi
1:01:15 Tail Resonance or Sympathetic Resonance
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ALL the videos in this series (Flight Training Sessions - Full-Length Unedited):
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