Hemiolia Records - John Coltrane - Blue Train 'master copy' tape review & compared to Tone Poet LP
John Coltrane - Blue Train 'master copy' 15ips 2-track tape from Hemiolia Records review & compared to the superb Blue Note Tone Poet vinyl release.
Probably one of the most exciting new releases of 2022 / 2023 were the copy-master tape releases three of seminal jazz albums from Hemiolia Records of Italy.
I purchased the tape directly from:
You can now read the full track-by-track review on my website The Reel To Reel Rambler: https://thereeltoreelrambler.com/2023/01/16/john-coltranes-blue-train-hemiolias-new-master-tape-copy-vs-blue-note-tone-poets-vinyl-release/