MSM-03 Gogg - the grandfather of all marine mobile suits and catcher of Gundam Hammers - comes to us as the 8th High Grade Universal Century 1/144 kit from Bandai back in 2000. Born at the dawn of the modern HGUC line, this tubby MS became the testbed for many new kit design techniques that make this an interesting kit to own!
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HGUC Z'Gok -
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Time Stamps:
0:00 - Introduction
0:27 - Release Info
1:21 - Box Contents
2:08 - Completed Overview
2:52 - Colorful and Seamless
4:09 - Segmented Arm
4:59 - Much Detail, Not Much Stuff
6:08 - Articulation
8:08 - Size Comparison
8:30 - Three-point Verdict
9:49 - Thank you so much!