No one wants to be compared to the Real Grade Sazabi or the Master Grade Ver.Ka one, but that's exactly what the High Grade Universal Century Sazabi is up against. Bandai waited eight years after the first MG kit to produce this, addressing many flaws called out by fans, and the HG kit is something quite uniquely wonderful, even if the newer kits outpace it in technology by a lot, so come see what it has to offer!
Make sure to check out the review for the HGUC Nightingale as well!
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Time Stamps:
0:00 - Introduction
0:28 - Release Info
1:21 - Box Contents
2:24 - Completed Overview
3:15 - Colors and Construction
5:02 - Hands
6:25 - Weapons: Funnels
8:08 - Weapons: Beam Saber
8:55 - Weapons: Beam Tomahawk
10:17 - Weapons: Shield
11:24 - Weapons: Beam Shot Rifle
12:08 - Articulation
14:30 - Size Comparison
15:40 - Three-point Verdict
17:57 - Thank you and Closing