I have dumped $$$ into this first album for sure. It has been something I've casually worked on for over a year and a half, but in the last 6 months, I have really put effort into not only this album, but 3 other albums as well.
Here is the first in a series of 4 albums I will share which are all mystic albums containing US stamps. This and the next two albums show commemoratives; while the last album is back of book stamps.
Building 4 albums at the same time has led me to being burned out occasionally and I would take breaks. Sometimes a few days and sometimes weeks. Eventually, I always pick them back up and continue the journey!
There are many blank spaces I have yet to fill since I've run out of money for the time being. I feel I have reached a point where they are filled enough to merit sharing them.
I deconstructed two large & expensive US albums and placed all of the stamps into these mystic albums!!
I hope you enjoy these early classic US stamps! I love these stamps. This video ended up longer than I intended, but I cannot help get sidetracked looking at the different stamps and cancels.
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I wish you all well :D