With an objective to serve the country Mr. Akkiraju Prasanath entered the competitive field as a UPSC aspirant. Being a dedicated and persistent candidate, he kept making progress, however, the initial phase could not render much more than struggle. The struggle though proved to be handy as glory found him in a different form. Akkiraju, who runs an NGO for orphans along with his family, has reaped the fruits of his hard work and dedication. Having secured Rank 40 in the RBI Grade B 2022 examination, Mr. Akkiraju Prasanath is a symbol of excellence, who not only aced Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the exam but also nailed the interview with a record 74 out of 75. Watch the incredible success story of Akkiraju as disseminates his struggles and victories. Current Affairs and Spotlight Link - https://currentaffairs.anujjindal.in/ Anuj Jindal App Play Store Link - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.infinityexams MY BOOKS: 📚 RBI Phase 1 book - https://store.anujjindal.in/rbi-grade-b-books/ 📚 UGC NET Paper 1 Question book - https://store.anujjindal.in/ugc-net-paper-1-book/ 📚 UGC NET Paper 2 Question book - https://store.anujjindal.in/ugc-net-paper-2-book/ 📚 UGC NET Paper 1 Past Year Papers book - https://store.anujjindal.in/ugc-net-paper-1-book-questions-papers/ 📚 UGC NET Paper 2 Past Year Paper book - https://store.anujjindal.in/ugc-net-paper-2-book-questions-papers/ CONTACT: 🤙 Telegram Channel- https://t.me/anujjindal 🤙 RBI, SEBI & NABARD Telegram Group - https://t.me/anujjindalofficial 📱 Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/rbi2016/ 🌟 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/anujjindal.in/ ℹ️ Quora - https://www.quora.com/profile/Anuj-Jindal-1 🖥️ https://www.anujjindal.in/ 📞 9999466225 #RBIGradeB2022 #RBIGradeBTopper2022 #RBISuccessStory #RBIGradeBExamStrategyByTopper