Shiv Kumar Pant - a retired school principal of St. Stephan's, Delhi, lives with his caretaker, Bisveswar as his son, Rishabh, lives in California with his wife and a one-year-old son. Leading a mundane life, Mr. Pant has found solace in poetry writing, typing on his old computer. One day, the computer suddenly goes off. He asks Rishabh to make a complaint to the manufacturing company to send a service engineer to repair the computer. The rendezvous with the service engineer at his door brings to him an incredible Exchange Offer and a bouquet of nostalgia and surprises.
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Cast & Crew:
Director: Saunak Mitra
Story: Saunak Mitra
Screenplay and Dialogue: Vinay Shukla
Producer: Colour Purple Films
Music / Sound: Dishari and Sujoy Das
Editor: Late Sanjib Datta and Md. Kalam
Cinematographer: Barun Mukherjee
Actors: Shiv Kumar Pant - M. K. Raina, Amit Kulkarni - Taher Shabbir, Bisveswar - Surendra Rajan, Rishabh Pant - Aryan D. Roy, Heena - Roshni Bhattyacharya
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