In these ASMR Sleep Stories, I tell you about the Pythia, the High Priestess of Apollo in Delphi, who for more than a millenium delivered sought-after prophecies in a state of frenzy - but the Oracle may have been more ancient than Classical Greece.
The second story is about the myth of changelings, newborns or young children that would have been exchanged by fairies, or trolls in the Scandinavian version. Why this belief, and how did it appear? I also added a touch of true crime with the story of Bridget Cleary, a woman murdered in 1895 because she was believed to be a changeling.
The third story takes us from Russia and Germany to the USA in the 20th Century: who were all these women claiming to be Grand Duchess Anastasia, the youngest daughter of the last Tsar of Russia, miraculously alive? This modern mystery found an answer thanks to DNA, I tell you how, and a little bit about Eugenia Smith or Anna Anderson.
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More mystery stories:
- Phaistos Disk, Voynitch Manuscript, Sailing Stones:
- 6 hours+ of mystery stories:
Script and narration by the French Whisperer, visuals by the French Whisperer, under Wikipedia Commons, or under license from Panthermedia and Shutterstock. Sound effects from the YouTube Audio Library for Creators. Opening Music: Murder Mystery by Sir Cubworth.
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0:00 Hello Everyone
4:48 Oracle of Delphi
27:25 Changelings
48:02 Anastasia
1:08:56 Good Night
1:13:00 Fireplace Sounds, No Talking