00:00 摘要
00:51 逃出南方軍
一提起美國南北戰爭,大家總會想起北方軍與南方軍的對戰,但其實在南北之外,還曾出現一支由密西西比農民組建的民間武裝,而這支武裝的領袖,正是有全美國最偉大叛黨之稱的紐頓·奈特(Newton Knight)。我們今天就來一起看看,奈特連是如何在南北戰爭的夾縫中生存,又是如何建立起農民們理想中的「自由國度」!
When talking about the American Civil War, people always think of the battle between the Northern Army and the Southern Army. But in fact, there was also a civilian armed force formed by Mississippi farmers. The leader of this armed force was Newton Knight, who was known as the greatest rebel in the United States. Let's take a look today at how Knight's company survived in the cracks of the Civil War and how it established the farmers' ideal "free country"!