Quin (K8QS) and Tom (WA9TDD) interview Jim (K9SE) about the early history of the primary Great Lakes FCC monitoring station, which was initially at the Great Lakes Naval Station in Chicago and then moved to Allegan, Michigan. Part 1 covers the equipment, land, mission, and activities through the 1940s, including the WWII years, when the FCC had a role in identifying clandestine stations (spies). Posted below is a link to a PDF with much more information -- great background reading as prep for our next videos on this topic. Jim, K9SE, is a long-time ham (amateur) radio operator with 37 years at the Federal Communications Commission -- including field work, which we'll talk about later. Download the accompanying PDF here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qrCQvpAYISzDEKe1PLTr85dR_VvRnXVI/view?usp=drive_link