Manchester's age of discovery continued long after its status as the world's leading industrial powerhouse had subsided. This was the city where John Dalton, Arthur Schuster, Ernest Rutherford and James Joule cracked the mysteries of the atom. Where Fred Williams, Tom Kilburn, Geoff Tootill and Alan Turing developed the first machines that could remember and process information. Where Crabtree observed the transit of Venus and Bernard Lovell put a giant metal ear up to the sky and listened to the echo of the universe. Manchester's science story takes it from the 17th century to the middle of the 20th, taking in theories and discoveries that revolutionised the way we see the world. 01:27 - Nuclear science, Dalton, Joule, Schuster, Rutherford 11:28 - Whitworth, Rolls Royce and Avro 17:05 - Computer science, Turing, Kilburn and Williams 24:10 - Space, Crabtree, Lovel and Jodrell Bank ======================================== Facebook: @BeeHereNowUK Support me on Patreon for added extras and exclusive content: If you like the video and want to show some support, how about buying me a brew. Thanks! Subscribe for more world-changing Northern history.