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De Pedreiro a Engenheiro 19,391 lượt xem 1 year ago
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Video about waterproofing BALDRAME

An incorrect BALDRAME beam causes a lot of headache!!!

A series of cracks and crevices in your home, when not much worse problems...

This problem will never happen to you! And I guarantee it!
Just watch this video to the end, to know how to make a BALDRAME beam the right way!

The BALDRAME beam is an extremely important element in the construction of your home, and today I will bring you relevant information so that you fully understand this matter.

I will leave you informed about everything related to a BALDRAME beam, from the conception, to the purpose of its use in a construction.

Stay with me and stay on top of all this valuable information!

Welcome to the Channel
From Mason to engineer!

My name is Rodrigo Felix
And here we have solutions for your home and construction.

Let's now go straight to the matter at hand!

In the specific case of this video, we will address the BALDRAME beam for use in constructions of single-storey houses and townhouses.

First I will answer you a Frequently Asked Question:
what is a BALDRAME beam?

In a simplified form, we consider BALDRAME beam the reinforced concrete element mounted horizontally directly on the ground or on it and fixed to shoes or crowning blocks, which is responsible for receiving the loads of the walls and their upper elements.

For we know that to make the BALDRAME beams appear many other questions, and the 4 main ones are:
Question 1 - How to make Rafter BALDRAME?
Question 2 - What height and width of BALDRAME beam?
Question 3-BALDRAME beam with how many irons?
Question 4 - which concrete should I use in BALDRAME beam?

To start this step by step of how to make a rafter BALDRAME it is necessary to at least have a sense of what will be built.
Once you have an exact idea of what is going to be built, the engineer responsible enters the scene.
By calculating the loads that the Beam will receive, the engineer in charge, makes the dimensions the steel reinforcement of the beam.
That is, it defines the amount of irons to be used and also the thickness of each steel bar for the BALDRAME beam.

As a result of the work, the professional known as the shipowner appears, he is responsible for cutting the steel bars, making the bends and the necessary ties or welds.

The BALDRAME beams, usually has the amount of irons related to the following:

Case 1 - is the most used - with a total of 4 10mm irons, being 2 irons at the top and 2 irons at the bottom of the BALDRAME beam.

Case 2-for additional safety-with a total of 4 irons, being 2 10mm irons on the top of the and 2 12.5 mm irons on the bottom of the foundation beam.

Case 3 - this configuration features a much higher level of security than previous cases - with a total of 6 8mm irons, with 3 at the top and three at the bottom of the BALDRAME beam.

Now we will talk about the heights and widths.
The BALDRAME beam for a townhouse or the BALDRAME beam for a single-storey house follows the same criteria in most cases.
Generally the height of the BALDRAME beam is 30cm and the width is between 15 to 20cm on average.
Redoubled attention in this part here, which I'm going to talk about now!
Please note that the number of irons, height and width of a foundation beam may be greater than those mentioned.

To install the beam on the site, you must first define what position it will be in relation to the ground of the site.

There are three types of BALDRAME beams that are directly attached to the ground.
- The first is the BALDRAME beam buried in the ground,
- The second is the BALDRAME beam above the ground,.
- And the third is the BALDRAME beam on leveling masonry.

After the correct positioning of the BALDRAME beam relative to the ground of the plot has been defined, it is necessary to start assembling the box frames.
For this part, the carpentry professional enters the scene, responsible for making all the forms of the BALDRAME beams.
It is necessary that the timber of the foundation beams are fully leveled.
Foundation beams can be laid before or after the finished casements.
Following the beams must be fully fixed the existing bases, be they shoes or crowning blocks, with tie wires.

Now we will move on to an extremely important part, the concreting of the rafters and for this.

First it must be calculated what the strength is, secondly what is the type of concrete, thirdly you need to know the quantity.

Once these issues of strength, type and quantity have been resolved, it is time for concreting.
To ensure an optimal result in the execution of BALDRAME beams, it is necessary during concreting to use equipment capable of vibrating the concrete.

Thank you for your attention! And May" God " bless you all!
