《十四天》- 拉闊工程
學霸 Owen 一直默默地為 Sabrina 解決難題, 但Sabrina依賴的卻不是他。當Sabrina 的生活起了一些變化, Owen 終於找到介入的時機, 但最後他卻作了出人意表的選擇。
《十四天》由科技大學工學院全力支持製作, 角色全由工學院學生出演, 將科大校園環境, 智能校園設備, 工學院特色等藉著一套小品故事, 呈現於觀眾眼前。
如想了解更多有關科大工學院的資訊, 或參與日後由科大工學院舉辦的活動, 甚至想聽到更多科大工科學生的分享, 請即關注我們。
Owen has always helped Sabrina humbly behind the scenes, though has never been the one she relies on. When Sabrina's life becomes different one day, the spotlight finally lies on Owen to save the day.
"Fourteen Days" is the proud creation of HKUST School of Engineering. With all cast members being current students of the School, the characters revolve around a concept that integrates artificial intelligence with the surrounding campus environment. As the plot unwraps, you will realize that there is more than meets the eye.
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