#LeeKumKeeEurope #OysterYourWay #TasteOfHome #TasteOfHongKong
經典福建炒飯英國做|靈魂芡汁原來咁簡單||金鑲銀炒飯粒粒金黃零失敗有秘訣| 大酒家大飯點水準在家都能做
大家,又話掛住我?我回來了!今次回來,頭炮係送你一個大優惠😍🤩❤️! 現在上李錦記@LeeKumKeeEurope 英國網店https://shopuk.lkk.com/
🎊用專屬優惠碼: KitMakOS 購物滿£25或以上🛍️
⭐️還有李錦記抽獎活動: https://uk.lkk.com/oysteryourway
今天,我就和大家分享一個大家很喜歡, 十分鮮味充滿香港特色的
福建炒飯 (2人份量)
雞上脾肉 1隻
乾元貝(3小粒) 5克
蝦肉 4-5隻
乾冬菇 1個
蘆筍 2-3條
甘荀 少許
蒜茸 1茶匙
紹興酒 1湯匙
雞蛋 2-3隻
白飯 3碗 (1.5杯米)
薑茸 1/2茶匙
糖 1茶匙
特級鮮味生抽 1茶匙
生粉 1/4茶匙
特級鮮味生抽 1茶匙
水 1湯匙
糖 1.5茶匙
極純黑芝麻油 1茶匙
生粉 1/4茶匙
李錦記舊庄特級蠔油 2-2.5湯匙
生粉水 適量
Hello everyone, it’s been a while. I am telling you about a special offer.
Just enter my exclusive promotion code KitMakOS at Lee Kum Kee @LeeKumKeeEurope UK e-shop https://shopuk.lkk.com/
When purchase £25 or above, you can enjoy free delivery and receive a bottle of Lee Kum Kee Premium Oyster Sauce 510g as a gift.
You can join Lee Kum Kee Lucky Draw https://uk.lkk.com/oysteryourway get a chance to win big prizes!
Let’s go shopping.
Today, I am going to make a popular and delicious meal that everyone loves - Hokkien(Fuk-kin) fried rice.
Hokkien (fu-kin) fried rice (for 2 persons)
1 chicken thigh
5g mini dried scallops
4-5 king prawn
1 dried mushroom
2-3 asparagus
Some carrot
1tsp ground garlic
1tbsp Shaoxing wine (Chinese yellow wine)
2-3 eggs
3 bowls of cooked rice (cooked from1.5 cup raw rice)
Chicken marination:
1/2tsp ground ginger
1tsp sugar
1tsp premium light soy sauce
1/4tsp potato starch
Mushroom marination:
1tsp premium light soy sauce
1tbsp water
1.5tsp sugar
1tsp pure black seasame oil
1/4tsp potato starch
300ml boiling/hot water
2-2.5tbsp Lee Kum Kee Premium Oyster Sauce
Some potato starch water
#Fujienfriedrice #friedrice #Hokkienfriedrice #大酒樓水準 #福建炒飯 #黃金炒飯