Happy Halloween! Welcome to Hollow Knight Speedrunner vs. Hunters, but spookier than ever before. This time, the hunters are ghosts, and there's five of them. Can I beat The Hollow Knight with five players trying to stop me, or will they beat me first?
Skitter - https://www.twitch.tv/skitter_hk
daanolav - @daanolav
Hardcore - @makeit_hardcore
Hunthussle - @HuntHussle
• The Speedrunner wins by defeating The Hollow Knight. Hunters win by killing the Speedrunner.
• Hunter Starting Equipment: 3 Masks, Nail 0, Vengeful Spirit, Howling Wraiths, Monarch Wings, Crystal Heart, Kingsoul, Shaman Stone, Tram Pass, King's Brand, Awoken Dream Nail, Lumafly Lantern, All Dreamers.
• Ghosts: All Hunters have timescale set to 0.5, but have the Wings Glide, Vertical Superdash, Diagonal Superdash, and Change Direction In Midair Skill Upgrades. Friendly Fire is on.
• Hunter Scaling: Hunters gain Mothwing Cloak and Mantis Claw when the Speedrunner does. When the Speedrunner gains their second movement ability, Hunters unlock an extra mask and lifelines.
• Lifelines: A Hunter may open their map to find the Speedrunner's area. Only one Hunter may open the map per lifeline and should not hold it open for more than fifteen seconds. A llfeline can be used every fifteen minutes.
• Sound Effects: The Speedrunner broadcasts a sound effect into the voicecall when: using the Dream Nail for an objective, purchasing a toll, completing a mask or vessel, purchasing any item, or using a tram.
• Bans: Before the game begins, the Hunter team can apply five bans: one level 2 spell or Nail Art, which the team decides on together, and one charm ban per hunter. The Speedrunner will not be allowed to acquire banned upgrades or charms.
• The Speedrunner cannot hear the Hunter voice call.
• The Speedrunner has a 30 second headstart on the Hunters.
TheHuntIsOn by Korz
• ALL players do not receive healing from sitting on benches.
• ALL players do not receive healing from entering dream boss arenas.
• ALL players cannot use stags.
• ALL players do not spawn shades, or receive penalties from dying.
• ALL players have small elevators removed from their world. There should be platforms to replace them, but it was bugged in this version.
• ALL players can instantly travel through large elevator shafts.
• SPEEDRUNNERS will have platforms to enable them to navigate shade skip spots IF they have the loadout required to perform that shade skip.
• HUNTERS will have platforms to enable them to navigate shade skips spots no matter what their loadout is.
• HUNTERS cannot collect lifeblood seeds from the world.
• HUNTERS start with the game world unlocked (i.e. shortcuts open, most bosses killed, etc).
• HUNTERS respawn in King's Pass when they die.
• HUNTERS heal slower, and their focus cost is higher.
HKMP by ExtremelyD1
• The multiplayer mod. Also, shoutouts to DwarfWoot for hosting the server.
LoadNormalizer by Homothety
• All players have the same load times between rooms.
InvincibilityMonitor by Flib
• Gives the player invincibility during various states where they cannot act, as well as a tiny grace period after the state ends.
QoL by fifty-six
• Adds quality of life features, most importantly re-adding speedrun tech to latest patch, such as menu drops, lever skips, explosion pogo, etc.
Credits to @PyeFive for editing the video!
Hollow Knight - Gods & Glory
Undertale - Another Medium
Sonic 06 - Flame Core (The Cavern)
Kirby Super Star - Cocoa Cave
Pizza Tower - Wudpecker (Gnome Forest B)
Donkey Kong Country - Fear Factory
Sonic 06 - Tropical Jungle (The Jungle ~ The Swamp)
Sonic 06 - Radical Train (The Abandoned Mine)
Sonic Frontiers - Ouranos Island RMX
Sonic Frontiers - Master Koco Trial
Super Mario Odyssey - Mount Volbono
Sonic Frontiers - Second Wind (Sonic Mvt.)
Donkey Kong Country - Treetop Rock
Sonic Colors - Planet Wisp (Act 2)
Tetris 99 - Scary Castle Theme
Kirby Super Star - Lose Life
Kirby's Dream Course - The First Hole
0:00 Intro
0:32 Manhunt
49:26 Pantheon of God Gamers
#hollowknight #manhunt #halloween