Our home birth vlog! Raw and unflitered birth of baby number 3, surprise gender!
We had another amazing home birth! I am so happy to have saved this special memory of bringing our third baby into the world.
Ladies - our bodies are amazing. We are capable of SO much!! We were created to do this and we can do this. 🙏🏻
I left this birth vlog a little more raw & unfiltered. This is a completely natural thing that we do to bring our babies into this world and I wanted to share more of it. 🤍
#homebirth #homebirthvlog #birthvlog #genderreveal
F I R S T H O M E B I R T H V L O G: https://youtu.be/s7HXyke-itM
A M A Z O N S T O R E F R O N T: https://www.amazon.com/shop/emmadwoo
I N S T A G R A M: https://www.instagram.com/emmadwoo/
E M A I L: emmadwoo13@yahoo.com
M U S I C: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/p8zeck/
A B O U T M E:
Hi there! My name is Emma. My husband's name is Brandon. We live in Virginia. I am a stay at home mama to my two babies. A 4 year old boy, named Luca & a 22 month old girl, named Lennon. I am currently pregnant with baby number three (due this fall)! I enjoy making motherhood vlogs & lifestyle content. I’d love to chat & make new friends, so leave a comment and say hi!! Subscribe to follow along❤️