Fun & Interesting

Home Was Deemed DANGEROUS & Neighbors TOLD Me To BE CAREFUL!

Clean The City 27,319 2 weeks ago
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This home was so DANGEROUS Neighbors thought I was wearing a HAZMAT Suit due to the failing structure and warning sign! Welcome back to the channel everyone I hope you're enjoying your week! This project is a little different and I hope you all can take the time to watch and enjoy it like any of my other amazing makeovers! Ive been teasing a project that I started and finished a few weeks ago on the community page and I'm sure you all have been wondering when I would release the video. it is! But there's some bad news. While attempting to edit the full screen version of this video on @therealalbladez computer I accidentally deleted the footage from my hard drive after transferring all of the project footage to Al's computer. But before beginning the edit, Al's computer revealed an alert letting me know that his computer was almost out of storage due to my large video files!😬 I instantly felt bad and didn't want to cause any issues to Al's computer and deleted the files on his computer to save him his space..I SHOULDNT HAVE DONE THAT SO FAST! Without thinking and remembering that I had already deleted the files off of my drive all of my footage disappeared in thin air.🥺😢😭 POOF!💨 I wanted to be mad but I just couldn't. Ive been through so much here lately and I just couldn't continue to let myself sink especially since I was having such a great time with Al working on collaborations! Make sure to follow Al! Luckily I still had footage from my phone since I film with two cameras to provide a video for you all here on YouTube and also a more sped up version for TikTok supporters. I really didn't want to leave you all with nothing since I had already teased this project on YouTube. I had to come up with a plan. So as painful as it was for me to edit & release this video in vertical format I was left with no choice. I know you all miss the premieres and I just wanted to give you all something fun to watch since I had ALOT of fun working here at this property and getting to know the neighbors! So please forgive me this WILL NOT happen again I promise! Even though it's vertical, after editing it I was very surprised with how good of a video it is! You really don't want to miss this one, please take time to enjoy it with me on this early morning premiere! Now that the story is out of the way on the format of this video let's briefly talk about what happened here to this property. This home was deemed DANGEROUS by a local city inspector after the home owner just up and left and put the home on the market for dirt cheap! In fact it was so dangerous that while setting up to work I was approached by a future homeowner of this property and advised to not enter the backyard for my safety!🫣😱 I agreed and decided to only do the front yard which still ended up being a ton of work!(3 DAYS) But I felt really good working here because 1 by 1 the neighbors approached me and thanked me for my service! A lot of the neighbors were curious and thought I had been hired to work here. With some folks wondering if the home was scheduled to be demolished due to its damage! Nevertheless I wanted to clean this property to improve the visual of this lovely community! Everyone's homes and lawns were immaculate while this lawn stuck out like a sore thumb! Let us enjoy a morning together as we get back to work here on the channel! LOVE YOU ALL & THANK YOU! *MERCH IS NOW AVAILABLE **The Nonprofit website is now up!! ** I Also Just Bought A PO Box For the Organization. I will start doing mail Mondays in a few weeks to unbox mail that you all send in! Address is below. Clean the City Inc. P.O. Box 12312 Fort Pierce,FL 34979 ** I WILL BE GOING LIVE ON TWITCH SOON TO DO VARIOUS BEHIND THE SCENES WORK FOR THE CHANNEL AND ORGANIZATION AND ILL ALSO BE PLAYING CLEAN THE CITY THE GAME! SUBSCRIBE TO MY SECOND YOUTUBE CHANNEL FOR TWITCH VODS! @apisonline ***My First Video Game (Clean The City.) Is Now Available For FREE Download In Your Apple IOS Store & Your Google Play Store! If You're Interested In Playing The Game Send Me A Email For The Link! [email protected] *IF YOU ALL HAVE FACEBOOK PLEASE LIKE THE BLADEZ UNCUT MEDIA FAN PAGE,I WILL BE DOING LIVE STREAMS AND EXCLUSIVE CONTENT WITH GIVEAWAYS ON MY NEW FACEBOOK PAGE SOON! AND YOU CAN ALSO FOLLOW MY PERSONAL FACEBOOK PAGE "ARAMIS PONDER" AND ILL FOLLOW BACK! I LOVE TO INTERACT WITH YOU ALL ON FACEBOOK! 😊 MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW AL AND AP ON INSTAGRAM @ALBLADEZ & @CLEANTHECITYINC FOR EXCLUSIVE CONTENT! If you enjoy watching AP clean yardsl you can also find his content on his TIKTOK @Cleanthecityinc If you're interested in buying Al Bladez Merch,Al has a personal merch line connected to his YouTube account. HERE'S SOME AFFILIATE LINKS THAT HELP THE CHANNEL AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU! AL'S KUJO SHOES/BOOTS(USE PROMO CODE ALBLADEZ10):
