You will need the following to make this easy homemade apple cider vinegar:
3 lbs apples
1 gallon glass container
cane sugar
1 tbsp sugar per 1 cup of water
cover with coffee filter
stir every day till it no longer bubbles
mine took 26 days
strain out apples
cover with coffee filter and towel and let sit in warm area until desired acidity is reached, mine took 2 months after straining.
If you have any questions leave me a comment and I will be sure to answer to the best of my ability.
Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar, New Livestock trailer fixer upper, Temporary fix to the rat/mice problem outside, collecting leaf mulch, getting the chicken tractor/mini green house moved and cleaned out for spring, and mulching our garlic!
Mailing Address
Rebecca Richmond
P.O Box 368 Lennon Michigan
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