Homemade Herbal Shampoo|आंवला,शिकाकाई,रीठा और अलसी से घर पर एकदम आसान तरीके से बनाएं हर्बल शैंपू
Homemade Herbal Shampoo|आंवला,शिकाकाई,रीठा और अलसी से घर पर एकदम आसान तरीके से बनाएं हर्बल शैंपू
Hello friends
Here I'm sharing with you a very easy method of making Herbal Shampoo at home.For best results,
use this herbal shampoo for at least two to three months.This shampoo is absolutely free from chemical.Made with natural ingredients it will reduce hair fall, helps in hair growth and works as natural conditioner.Hope you are going to like this video.
Ingredients -
आंवला-100 gram
रीठा-100 ग्राम
शिकाकाई -100 ग्राम
अलसी-100 gram(or 50 gram)
पानी-1.5 लीटर (approximately)
Thanks for watching ❤️
Anju Dang Janweja's Kitchen ✨
#herbalshampoo #homemadeshampoo #shambhu #herbal #homemade #lifestyle