Homemade pasta will forever change your view on boxes pasta. It is so much better and pretty simple to make.
Pasta Recipe
1c. all purpose flour
1c. semolina or kamut flour
3 eggs
1/2t. salt
2-3t. olive oil
water to pull the dough together max of a few tablespoons.
Mix all ingredients in a stand mixer. Kneed with a dough hook for 10 minutes.
Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let it sit for 30 minutes.
Roll out with a pasta maker or rolling pin and cut into noodles.
Drop into boiling water and boil for 3-4 minutes. If you are making thin spaghetti cook 2-3 minutes.
Alfredo recipe
1 stick of butter
1 1/2c. cream
3t. minced garlic or two cloves
1/2t. italian seasoning
1/2t-1t. salt
1/4-1/2t. pepper
2c. parmesan cheese
Add butter to a pot along with cream and bring to a simmer. Simmer for 2 minutes.
Add in garlic and spices and cook for 1 minute.
Add in cheese and stir until incorporated.
Put over your noodles and serve.
The best price on many of our pantry staples is Azure Standard. We love their apple juice cranberries, chocolate chips, oats, molasses, flour and just about anything we have purchased. https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=NUdIIxw1j0
Visit our etsy shop for sourdough starter and other handmade items. https://littlehillhomestead.etsy.com use discount code YOUTUBE for 10% off your purchase.
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Want the most adorable kitchen towels? visit https://gingiber.com/ and use code ALLISON22979 for 20% off.
Thanks for watching,
Shawn and Ali
Little Hill Homestead