Our gardens are growing like crazy now that we're well into the warmer season and we are harvesting our own food regularly now. Follow us around the gardens in this full summer garden tour and we'll show you what we've got growing as well as some unique gardening techniques that we're using.
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We'll show you how we're using pumpkins to control weeds, bananas to increase fertility, sunflowers to help Celery grow and what we're doing to encourage beneficial insects and pollinators to visit our gardens and help us produce more fruit as well as control the pests.
This 100% organic homestead garden system is following a syntropic methodology and employing all natural fertility and pest management practices.
0:00 Intro
1:00 Zucchini
2:43 Tomatoes
5:04 Beans
6:37 Corn
10:20 Beneficial Insects
12:49 Banana
14:19 Pumpkin
15:22 Carrots
16:59 Sunflowers
17:56 Celery
19:39 Property Tour Part 2
20:33 Garlic
22:27 Beetroot