【香港人在馬來西亞🇲🇾】移居馬來西亞全靠被動收入?每月輕鬆賺取 RM10000 過躺平生活!開箱2400尺新屋!月租2800!?|夫妻廢片 #mm2h #移居馬來西亞 #被動收入
77,190 lượt xem 5 months ago Since the last time I interviewed Vincent, a Hong Konger, about his experience of moving to Malaysia
Many viewers want to know what Vincent relied on to maintain his income when he came to Malaysia.
They came to Malaysia so young to lie flat?
So in this episode we made an appointment with him to share his investment and financial experience with you.
And will unbox their home!
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