Ho'oponopono for Love erases memories from the subconscious mind that prevent you from having the relationships and experiences you want, and reconnects you to the source.
In this video, I chant the Ho'oponopono for Love mantra 108 times. You can repeat it with me silently or out loud, or you can play it in the background during your day or when you sleep.
To experience the best results, repeat every day for 21 consecutive days, and then come back to it whenever you need.
Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian technique for healing. They believe that a problem is the manifestation of a memory being replayed in our subconscious mind. When repeating this mantra we clear those conscious and unconscious memories.
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Dear Soulmate
I'm sorry
Please forgive me
I love you
Thank you
#hooponopono #love