I have three stories to tell you about our experience using Airbnb to host our tiny home. If you are on the fence about adding your property to the Airbnb platform you must watch this video. Guests can be gnarly and your property will not always be protected by Airbnb. My stories include the time a guest flooded our tiny home and the time someone left us a ton of raw sewage!
While making money on Airbnb can be very lucrative the host needs to be aware that Airbnb does not always have the host's best interest in mind. Airbnb is not in the business of protecting your assets. We had to learn this the hard way.
While our home is not currently offered on the Airbnb platform we still like to share our experience with others. There are ways to better protect your home and we do offer our best advice during the video!
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In this video, we detail our experience in hosting our tiny home on Airbnb. While we hosted our tiny home on Airbnb we experienced some great people and some not so great people. Host beware when hosting your home on Airbnb. Our tiny home is currently not up for hosting on Airbnb. We believe Airbnb should change how they protect hosts from guests and the damage they can do to a host's property.
#tinyhomeonwheels #airbnb #airbnbtinyhome #airbnbdisaster #hostbeware #tinyhome #tinyhouse #THOW #tinyhomebuilder