Can we build a hotrod out of a rotten yard art Ford Model A body? We're sure going to try! We start today by separating the cowl and rebuilding the body mount sections, only higher so the body can be channeled over a custom 2x3 frame. As always, entertaining custom automotive fun in the garage for the regular guy!... ***TOOLS and PRODUCTS seen used in this video and on the channel... As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases as a way to help support creating videos on YouTube. Enjoy hanging out and goofing off in the garage? Want to see more entertaining automotive content? Just watching the videos and hitting that like button is a huge help! Heres some other ways to support and help the channel... LT's merchandise.. Check out the merch page, follow an amazon affiliate link, find that super thanks button on each video, or PayPal me at www.PAYPAL.ME/LTSCUSTOMGARAGE if you just want to donate to help out the channel or a specific build. Thanks for all the support! See ya out there! Check out my other channel @LTdidit for entertaining pinstripe art videos!