Game- Avatar World All of my video content are my Original Work . ( Created by Me /MayWorld_19) _________________________________ Q. CAN YOU COPY MY VIDEO? Yes, you can copy/download any of my video/design for non-profit use or personal enjoyment . (i.e., not for uploading on earning platforms like YouTube, TikTok, or any social media posts) Exceptions / Not Allowed 🚫 1. If you are a content creator or YouTuber and want to use my designs or video clips, you must give credit and mention my channel at the beginning of your video title, making it visible without further clicks. Otherwise, it is not allowed, and if found I will take any applicable legal action such as copyright claims, which can result in a copyright strike. 2. Simply downloading my videos, editing them, and re-uploading them on your YouTube channel to make them look like your own without giving me proper credit, as stated above, is not allowed. If found, I will take any applicable legal