Dr Anand Bhardwaj Vastu expert has his youtube channel as https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC81kGOT8Dm5j_mCbMg1YJOA and if you are trying to see Vastu consultant near me for Vastu for Home or your office then see us on our channel. But If you are looking for ….. you need to click: https://Vastu-india.com because Dr Anand Bhardwaj Vastu expert or Anand Bhardwaj Vastu are very much popular as Vastu consultant near me regarding all topics covered under Vastu shastra. ईस्ट-East=पूर्व, वेस्ट-West=पश्चिम, नार्थ-North= उत्तर, साउथ-South=दक्षिण, साउथ-ईस्ट (South-East)=आग्नेय कोण, नार्थ-ईस्ट (North-East)= ईशान कोण, नार्थ-वेस्ट (North-west) =वायव्य कोण, साउथ-वेस्ट (South-west) =नैऋत्य कोण, एक तीखा व कड़वा सच-दिशा देखनी ही नहीं आती-चल पड़े वास्तु करने-how to check directions, तुरंत निकलो बाहर भटकते मकड़जाल से सीखो दिशाएं चेक करने, आप बिलकुल जीरो हैं वास्तु में अगर दिशा ही चेक नहीं कर सकते. Dear viewers, today we are going to talk about a very sensitive topic and we will tell you how to check north direction which is the part of the subject how to check directions in Vastu shastra and people are going to ask me what is true north and how to check north south east west all the directions with the help of compass and without the help of any compass as a common man. So far as the subject of how to check compass directions is concerned and how to find direction using sun are very common because one can see in the morning and evening very easily drowning and rising sun but best way to get direction is defined in this youtube video and Dr. Anand Bhardwaj Vastu expert has defined everything about direction and in case if you have any doubt then you can write on the comment box so that Dr. Anand Bhardwaj Vastu expert may reply you easily and if you have any question which is very technical like difference in true north and magnetic north then it is the subject to penetrate the and first you have to learn how to use magnetic compass and does Vastu works on True north or magnetic north & how to determine directions especially how to find north south east west directions because they are the part of how to check directions in Vastu shastra and if you are willing to know how to check or find north direction then first you have to check directions and learn how to get directions or how to check Vastu directions because first in your mind is how to check directions in google map and few people may check the right directions on google map but that is slightly complicated. Vastu works on to north on magnetic north is also very complicated question and how to find north direction and how to find the actions are very common in this context and Dr. Anand Bhardwaj Vastu expert is going to explain you how to find north direction in room and how to tell direction without a compass is general question and how to know direction without compass is also very common because sometimes we don't have any compass or any instrument or equipment that can help us to check locate the directions of north east south west then how to check north direction is becoming very complicated so better to use the magnetic compass and you know how to use the magnetic compass is easy.
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