There is no other country that has been influenced by the United States as much as South Korea. This includes the emphasis of English for moving up in school and the workplace. The incorporation of items like hotdog, spam, and cheese into the Korean diet such as Korean hotdog and Army Stew
And even plastic surgery.
The Korean War in the middle of 20th Century destroyed Korean society.
50% of the South Korean population was illiterate. The country had an unemployment rate around 40%. Better known as the “relationship forged in blood”. The Treaty between the United States and the Republic of Korea marked the so-called “Americanization of South Korea” after the War.
More than $14B in aids would be provided to Korea in exchange or U.S bases in the country. This treaty would forever change the South Korea culture and economy
Today Korea is one of the top 15 wealthiest countries in the world. And much like the U.S did the past, Korea is now exporting its culture to the United States and the World
On October 1, 1953, the United States and South Korea agreed to a military alliance that would forever change the direction of both countries. Better known as the “relationship forged in blood”. The Mutual Defense Treaty between the United States and the Republic of Korea marked the so-called “Americanization of South Korea”. From this point forward, America would have a powerful influence on South Korean culture, politics, and economy.
The agreement allowed the United States military to continuously station roughly 28,000 service members across military bases within the South Korean border. In exchange, the United States invested economically into the country, which at the time was one of the poorest in Asia.
The Korean War in the middle of 20th Century destroyed Korean society. 50% of the South Korean population was illiterate. The country had an unemployment rate around 40%.
And the per capita GDP of the average South Korean is around $100 compared to $19,000 for the average American. 85 percent of its population live in rural area(s) in poverty. The South Korean economy would dramatically increase as a result of this relationship with the U.S.
Following the treaty, the United States provided $12.7 billion in foreign assistance, with the majority of this aid being delivered between 1945 and 1960. For the Americans, the goal was to prevent the spread of communism, rebuild a war-torn nation, and establish South Korea as a stable democratic ally in Asia.
And this plan worked. Today, South Korea is one of the top 15 wealthiest countries globally with Samsung group accounting for an astounding 22% of their economy. I mean who cares about diversification right.
Most scholars would argue that South Korea would not be where it is today economically without American help. And as a result of this help, Western thinking and philosophy spread throughout the country post the Korean war.
American culture also flooded into the country, intentionally and unintentionally. In this video, I will examine the Americanization of South Korea and how it has affected Korean culture even today.