How do I buy leather online? Where to buy leather online? How Do I choose the best leather for my leather craft project? These questions are a constant struggle for beginning leather crafters. @reedyrivergoods understands the struggles and had to find out he hard way how to buy leather online.
Over the past few years I have made many mistakes when trying to find the right leather for my project. This video teaches the viewer how to look through and decide what leather best works for their leather project.
There are many areas to consider when you are trying to buy leather online and dont have a local store to walk into and feel/see the leather you are looking to buy.. I do not have any stores available and had to learn the different variations to buy leather 100% online.
Characteristics to consider are tannage, weight, cut / size, temper, grade; just to name a few. These all play an important role in choosing the right leather for your leather project. Leather crafting can be an expensive hobby and this video will help you sift through the details and description to help you buy leather online like a pro!
@reedyrivergoods give a few tips on some of his favorite online shops to buy leather and has utilized over his years in leather craft. There are a number of leather suppliers that are revealed that can be beneficial for beginner leather crafters or season vets in the leather craft world. Watch this before you make another mistakes buying leather you cant use.
00:00 Introduction
00:48 Tannage choice
02:43 Cut of leather
05:07 Leather Grades
08:13 Genuine Leather Rant
09:12 weight, thickness of leather
12:32 Leather Temper
15:04 Where do I buy leather online?