I have recently published the most challenging IEEE journal paper of my career. To get this manuscript published, I spent 1 year on research, then went through a 9-month IEEE review process, and on top of that, paid $1500 for overlength page charges.
In this video, I want to share this story and experience, as well as discuss various aspects of the IEEE publishing process, which may be useful for students and young researchers. In the next video, I will focus on my tips for producing high-quality IEEE papers.
Examples of videos and webinars on IEEE publishing:
00:00 Intro: my recent IEEE journal paper
01:00 Why I am making this video
02:30 Aspects of publishing with IEEE
03:47 How to understand the quality of an IEEE journal
08:23 Why publish in top IEEE journals
10:50 Who should not publish in top IEEE journals
12:35 Timeline of publication process
15:18 Publishing fees
17:50 Other publishing problems
19:56 Summing up
Andrey Churkin (Андрей Чуркин) 2023