Explains how the noise power (sigma^2), the Signal to Noise Ratio, and the Bit Error Rate, are related for the Matched Filter. It shows an example with Binary Pulse Amplitude Modulation.
Related videos: (see: http://iaincollings.com)
• What is Gaussian Noise? https://youtu.be/VIvYxnhkvvc
• What is White Gaussian Noise (WGN)? https://youtu.be/QfUQMzHfbxs
• What is a Matched Filter? https://youtu.be/Ci-EjiMJo3I
• How are Matched Filter (MF), Zero Forcing (ZF), and MMSE Related? https://youtu.be/U3qjVgX2poM
• Convolution of two square functions: https://youtu.be/xVbONyYEipU
• How are Bit Error Rate (BER) and Symbol Error Rate (SER) Related? https://youtu.be/du-sExIUV-Y
• What is a p.d.f.? https://youtu.be/jUFbY5u-DMs
• What is SNR and Eb/No? https://youtu.be/bNYvXr6tzXQ
• What is Power Spectral Density (PSD)? https://youtu.be/DoSLMEEo1Y0
Full categorised list of all videos with Summary Sheets: http://iaincollings.com