A&R used to be simple stuff. You'd get a CD demo (an obsolete medium), plug the artist to your friends at the papers (remember them?), convince radio PDs to insert the song (yes, they used to be able to do that) and ship the product to, um, record stores. So what's replaced all that in the A&R job description? This session examines how A&R is evolving to operate within new music platforms - both on the discovery side and the delivery side. In this day when less artists are being signed to major labels, it's now more important than ever to develop an artist brand and connection with the fans and industry via direct means (before a label comes on board). The basics have not changed; however, it requires more noise and momentum to trigger the interest of a label these days...find out what it takes to discover and develop talent and market opportunity in today's climate.
Larry LeBlanc
Senior Editor
Celebrity Access
Boulder, USA
Patrik Larsson
A&R / Head of label
Uniform Beat -- a division of Playground Music Scandinavia
Stockholm, SWEDEN
Sat Bisla
Founder, President
A&R Worldwide / MUSEXPO
Beverly Hills, USA
Mark Spicoluk
Senior Director of A&R
Universal Music Canada
Toronto, Canada
Daniel Glass
President / CEO
Glassnote Entertainment Group
New York, USA
Nathan Stein
Manager, A&R
Bedlam Music Management / Dine Alone Records
Toronto, Canada
Kavi Ohri
Vice-President, Business Development (US East)
Music Dealers, LLC