An In-depth analysis of the way the game Bugsnax uses its gameplay and setting to get the player invested in the characters.
0:00 Introduction
1:06 Horror and Intrigue
3:51 Isolation
6:10 Snak Dependency
9:30 You
11:03 Doomsday - Spoilers!!
13:08 Conclusion
14:11 End Credits
Music Used-
Pokemon Soul Silver OST - New Bark Town
Bugsnax OST - Sunrise over Snaktooth
Bugsnax OST - Ghost Stories
Bugsnax OST - Sizzlin' Sands
Bugsnax OST - Snaxburg at Rest
Kero Kero Bonito - It's Bugsnax!
Bugsnax OST - The Undersnax
Bugsnax OST - Escape from Snaxburg
Bugsnax OST - Filbo's Lament