#BusterKeaton left his riverbank footsteps in Sacramento along a park you can visit today.
Score "Cottonfield Capers" by Wm. Christopher O’Hare – performed by The Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra https://www.mont-alto.com
Led by Rodney Sauer, The Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra accompanied Steamboat Bill, Jr, on May 7, 2022 at the San Francisco Silent Film Festival. https://silentfilm.org/event/steamboat-bill-jr/
Here's a link to the fantastic aerial photo appearing in the thumbnail - https://catalog.archives.gov/id/23935015
Read more details in my blog post Buster Keaton’s riverbank footsteps – https://silentlocations.com/2022/03/06/buster-keatons-riverbank-footsteps-steamboat-bill-jr/