Oh Canada, The country where its prime minister resigns, its economy is in the toilet, its immigration policies welcomed everyone for the last 3 years, and its having a right wing uprising. One might say canada is a perfect match for the european union.
In fact, it is such a good match, that a few major news publications have been debating whether or not Canada could actually join the EU. And potentially Form CANEU…
But the truth is. This isn’t new. In fact, there has been serious debate for decades about Canada actually joining the european union. And the idea isn’t as crazy as you might think. In fact, this plan could change the course of history for Canada, Europe, and…selfishly, me and anyone else who wants to live all around europe without applying for 7000 visas.
So, this is the unbiased video on Canada joining the EU and forming CANEU
So lets start off with the same place where all stories start. With europeans colonizing the world. You see, us canadians, growing up we were taught that the french and the british were the ones that colonized canada, and lived happily ever after. But thats not how the story goes.
Around the year 1000 AD, 500 years before the british and french showed, and just before the birth of joe biden, Some Norse explorers sailed across the atlantic, and pulled up to Canada’s shores like, “What if we just vibe here for a bit?”. They called it Vinland, which sounds like a winery but was actually Newfoundland, full of wild berries and... a random tim hortons which may have been there since the creation of heaven and the earth.
Regardless, the vikings that came from iceland, norway, sweden, and finland, took a few steps into canada, felt that this place was kinda boring so they left within 20 years. it wasn’t until 1497 that canada would be visited again by europeans. And it wasn’t the british or the french that actually rediscovered canada, it was an italian explorer named John Cabot funded by the british, who landed at cape bonavista, hence the italian naming of a region in newfoundland today.
The spanish king claimed that this new land found by john cabot, was actually RIGHTFUL SPANISH LAND because of the treaty of tordesillas which was a treaty where portugal and spain decided to split up the world into well…ownership of portugal and spain. And no one else.
Portugal ignored this treaty and decided to explore canada anyways. One portuguese explorer named João Fernandes Lavrador kept visiting this land and eventually had a province named after him called labrador. The portuguese setup fisheries here, paid taxes, and eventually left because well…The portuguese were colonizing south america at the time, and they had the option of living in eastern canada where you don’t know if the cold will take you this winter…or eastern brazil where the temperature stays at almost exactly 29 degrees celsius all year round with beaches, and beautiful people…and sunsets…okay im getting sidetracked.
So, the spanish and portuguese abandoned canada for better vacation spots. So, who would want to live in this hell hole? Well, the french of course. They created a bunch of cities along the saint lawrence river during the 1600s. The british then saw what their archnemesis france was doing, and decided to claim a bunch of land in canada as british like nova scotia and ruperts land.
And then there were the dutch doing dutch things by not exactly claiming land, but starting a large fur trading business, and stealthily making a ton of money while not trying to fight any wars.
Eventually, like with anything involving the british and french, the british colonies and the french colonies went to war. The british won and they started mass deportations of french settlers back to france to make canada great again. And slowly over the next century or so, the british allowed for more autonomy in the british colonies, before the colonies officially became the independent dominion of canada, in 1867.
Now, what was the point of all that? Well, the big thing i wanted to get across is that canada is almost entirely tied to a multitude of european nations and people, not just the british and french. The northern europeans and vikings have history here. Many canadians are descendants of french, english, irish, scottish, dutch, spanish, and portuguese settlers.
I mean, many europeans fled to canada as they viewed it as a safe haven when their country was falling apart. A million irish people moved to canada during the great famine and the decades afterwards. Its said that some of these irish escaped to canada to avoid the horor and suffering of what was going on in ireland. And then these people went to one toronto maple leafs game, and decided to move back to ireland.
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