데이식스 이븐오브데이가 첫사랑으로 노래 만드는 법♬ㅣDAY6 (Even of Day) [비밀리에] EP1
The first artist to share the heart-warming feelings of first loves and unrequited loves ♬
Day6 Even of Day's daily life and making songs. Shall we confess our love together?
[Bimil:ier (Secret:Atelier)] DAY6 (Even of Day)
#Bimilier #SecretAtelier #Day6EvenOfDay #sothisislove
A musicians' 'Atelier' where you 'secretly' confess your told or untold love stories.
We'll see you every Thursday at 7 PM KST at [Bimil:ier (Secret:Atelier)]
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[Bimil:ier (Secret:Atelier)] Instagram ▶ https://www.instagram.com/bimilier/