One encounters many difficulties, and doubts in one’s spiritual journey. Young Narendranath (Swami Vivekananda) too was in a dilemma at one point in his life. How did he overcome his dilemma and realised the truth about his Guru and God?
In this video, Sri Sathya Sai Answers these questions...
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Vivekananda, out of disgust with life, pining to know the very goal of life, the path towards redemption of life,
in that state, he softly approached the feet of his Guru, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.
(In the proximity of his Guru) He spent some time peacefully and delightfully.
In the meantime, he received the message of the death of his father.
He was in a fix. He could not decide what was to be done at that moment. With a wavering mind, he went back home.
The one without steadiness will have a wavering mind.
He approached his mother and questioned her, “Oh Mother! I returned from a sacred place. I left the company of my Guru, who taught me the eternal Truth. I am away from the lotus feet of my Master. What is going to happen to me now?”
After spending some time at the lotus feet of the Guru and his proximity, which is the real wealth, and after leaving that proximity, it is not quite possible to adjust and reconcile with the material world.
Vivekananda’s mother wanted to feed the poor on the eleventh day of the demise of her husband.
You know, we find the fair in villages. All the provisions necessary were bought as per the instruction of his mother and he was returning home.
On the way back, it became dark, and it started raining heavily, so he could not find the path.
There were two companions along with him on this route. One was the vendor of flowers and the other one was the fish seller.
As they could not find the path, they had to rest that night in a neighbouring village.
All of them sat in a verandah.
The fish seller went on complaining that she could not get sleep because of the flower basket by her side.
The vendor of the flowers went on wondering why is it that the fish seller could not relish the fragrance of the flowers. Since they spent all the time eating fishes, they could not bear the aroma of flowers.
The fish seller had to keep the basket of fish as a pillow and rest and try to sleep.
The next morning Narendra got up and he was wondering about the feelings of other people. It is tough for anyone to talk about the feelings of others.
Collecting all the provisions he had bought on the previous day he was passing by along the path.
It was still dark.
Along the mid-way, he saw a person fallen on the ground.
He was very much worried watching the man on the ground, lost himself, quite unconscious, along the banks of the river. And he was wondering how sacred hearted that person is.
In the meantime, a few more from the fair started returning along the same path and saw the man who was unconscious and thought that he was intoxicated.
Some other person thought that the man fell on the ground because of fits and he was pitying him because he was left with none to take care of.
In the meantime, Narendra arrived there and he watched the man on the ground and he thought that this person who lost himself must have been serving his Guru, the preceptor, just as he was serving his Guru, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, and so he sat by his side and started pressing his feet, attending on him.
As things went on people returned in their own direction.
But these feelings were imprinted on Narendra's heart.
Based on one’s own feelings and sentiments people start following their own reflections.
He approached his mother and prayed, “Mother, I brought all the provisions you have asked for, tomorrow let us make arrangements for poor feeding. Permit me to go back and return to my Master.”
He further realised that delightful thoughts had stepped into his heart on that day.
He had realised the basic fact that all he saw in front of him, the objects and materials were only the reflections of his inner being.
God has no desire whatsoever.
He has no desires or ambitions.
He is beyond comprehension (beyond the reach of mind and speech).
He is attributeless and formless; ever shining and pure.
In fact, the feelings that arise out of one’s own heart will stand as a testimony of His reflection.
The reflections of the fish sellers are nothing but their own feelings within.