Supervoids are some of the largest, emptiest regions of space in the entire Universe. Their very existence proves that the expansion of the Universe must be accelerating; by studying them we can therefore probe the mysterious dark energy…
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Krishner et al. (1981) -
Kopylov et al. (1988) -
Riess et al. (1998) -
Keenan, Barger & Cowie (2013) -
This is the fifth in my "Space is Weird" playlist. Check out the rest of the playlist here:
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My sister made the frame in the background as a present when I passed my PhD. It's not a real certificate. It's a decorative frame in my office which I love. My sister does commissions if anyone else wants one:
We're moving house soon so I'm hoping to get more prints to decorate my new office! If you have any recommendations let me know in the comments.
Dr Becky Smethurst is an astrophysicist researching galaxies and supermassive black holes at Christ Church at the University of Oxford.