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How DO Molecules Store Energy?

Three Twentysix 91,845 7 months ago
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Chemistry text books say molecules like glucose store energy in bonds. Are they wrong? What even is chemical energy anyway? And what ARE chemical bonds? And are they JUST abstract concepts? Are Derek Muller from @veritasium and Nick Lucid from @scienceasylum correct when they say bonds don’t store energy? We look at the science and chemistry of molecular energy and answer the question: Where do molecules store their energy? Kyushu University is one of Japan’s top universities. Check out the link to learn about our science and engineering courses in English: Derek Muller’s video about chemical bonds and energy: Nick Lucid’s video about chemical bonds and energy: Free images from Coal (no credit provided) Battery: oh-adbelghaffar Fat Cat: fmariia-ivanova Pasta: jeshoots Marathon: runffwpu Woodfire: lum3n Visit us on Instagram: Three Twentysix Project Leader: Dr Andrew Robertson 3D animations/production assistant: Es Hiranpakorn Graphic Design: Maria Sucianto Assistant editor: Purple Saptari This video was produced at Kyushu University and supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP21K02904. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Kyushu University, JSPS or MEXT.
