Friends, this is a longer video than usual. I can guarantee if you have any doubts or questions how Economizers work, this video will cover them. I remember being out on the field and being frustrated not being able to perform the job due to lack of knowledge. I don't want that for you. All my knowledge is your knowledge. Share with others and as always, be safe out there.
Only professionals in this trade should attempt to work on live equipment.
#condenser #economizer #economizers #electrical #hvac #hvacr #pioneercontrols #controls #hvactechnician #carrier #programming #compressor #ecm #psc #motors #psc #heatpumps #reversingvalve #lowvoltage #lowvoltageshort #splitsystem #airflow #filters #bellimo #actuator #dampers #outsideair
0:00 - Intro
5:38 - Installing an Actuator to the Damper's Shaft
10:14 - The Wiring of an Actuator and the DC Input Signal
18:22 - Placement of OAT and MAT Thermistors
21:50 - Outdoor Dry Bulb and Mixed Air Temperature Setpoints Algorithm
26:24 - Simulating Economizer Mode on the Jade Controller
36:43 - No Call for Cooling means no more Economizer
39:12 - Footage of an Economizer
39:50 - Testing out the Thermistor for the Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor
45:35 - Manipulating the Mixed Air Temperature Setpoint
47:00 - Recap