近年来,城市里的巨型马蜂窝屡见不鲜,有的在电线杆上,有的在你家阳台上。马蜂的毒性可比蜜蜂大多了,被马蜂蛰了轻则红肿、重则昏迷死亡。马蜂怎么把窝造得这么夸张?如何科学安全地捅掉马蜂窝?打个 119,你就能见到各种捅马蜂窝的科学姿势~
In recent years, hornets have become common in cities, some are on telephone poles, and some are on your balcony. Hornets are much more poisonous than bees. A hornet stung will cause swelling, coma, and death. How did the hornet make such an exaggerated nest? How to remove hornet's nest scientifically and safely? Make a fire call, and you can see all kinds of scientific knowledge about removing hornet's nest~
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一起在知识的海洋里狗刨吧~Let's play together in the ocean of knowledge~
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